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Living Things and Non Living Things

Living Things and Non Living Things

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Characteristics of Non Living Things

Introduction to Characteristics of Non-living things
The world consists of both living and non-living things. Any object that does not possess “Life” or living characteristics is a non-living thing. A living cell is made up of a number of organic and inorganic chemical substances that are themselves non-living, yet when present in the living body become vital constituents.

Characteristics of Non-living Things
The basic Characteristics of Non-living things are described as following -
•The most important characteristic of non-living things is the absence of protoplasm, the fundamental basis of life. For example, cells are absent in stones or any non-living things.
•Due to the absence of protoplasm, no metabolic activities are possible in the non-living things.
•The structural organization like tissue, organ or system is never found in non-living things.
•The non-living things usually do not have any definite form or size of their own. Liquids assume the shape of the container. A liquid like water when heated changes into the gaseous state or can be even frozen into the solid state and thus it has no definite form.
•The movement, if observed, is never automatic but occurs under any other external influence.
•Another characteristics of Non-living things is that growth occurs by accretion, i.e. by addition of materials from outside. For example a crystal in a solution or a snowball may grow larger in size due to the accumulation of particles of its own unit on the outer surface of the original body.
•The absence of nutrition, excretion, respiration, reproduction, irritability and adaptation are the characteristics of non-living things.
•The unlimited duration of existence or immortality is a vital characteristic of non-living things.

Classification Based on Characteristics of Non Living Things
All non-living matters on the earth can be classified into two primary types based on the characteristic of non-living things.

•Non-living things which were never part of a living entity. Glass, stone or gold or any chemical elements are all such examples.
•Non-living things which though are presently non-living but were once a part of living entity. Best example is of coal that was formed as a result of death and decomposition of living plants. Paper is itself non-living thing, but it is also made from trees.

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